Saturday, June 19, 2010

My 24 "Dieting" Tips

I say "dieting" because I don't look at as a diet. I view this as a new lifestyle that I"m forever committed to.

As of 10/1/10, I've lost 63 pounds. I have 5 more to go to reach my goal. I thought I'd share some pointers with those of you are are thinking or are in the midst of losing weight. I hope these points would be an encouragement to you.

  1. I'm no longer a slave of sin. In my bible study over the past year, I was convicted when I realized 2 things:
    • Gluttony is a sin.
    • Christ has freed me from being a slave of sin and has given me power to overcome my sin.
    (For details on this, see my link mentioned in #10 below)
  2. Drink Diet Cream Soda!
    I've read somewhere that one should avoid diet carbonated drinks when attempting to lose weight. I'm not sure why the experts say that - I guess because it expands your stomach and therefore increases your capacity to overeat? Early on in my diet I found that drinking a can of fizzy diet cream soda 15-30 minutes before a meal resulted in me feeling somewhat full before mealtime. Since I felt this way, I did not eat as much as I would have had I not drank the can of soda.
  3. Avoid Non-Diet Drinks!
    Here in the "Sweet-Tea-Drinking" South this is a difficult task! But drinking sweet tea and non-diet soda is like drinking pure sugar! This is a real diet killer! You must STOP drinking non-diet drinks!
  4. Wear Tight clothes
    I can't stand to have tight fitting clothes on. It makes me feel swollen and fat! Subliminally, wearing tight fitting clothes makes me strive to lose weight so they won't be so tight and I won't be so self-conscious about my mid-section hanging over my belt! When I wear clothes that are big and loose, I can "hide" behind them; I feel that there's no need to lose weight.
  5. Eat without distractions
    By distractions, I don't mean don't eat with your family or your children! I have 3 small kids, they are certainly a distraction at the dinner table! The type of distractions that I am talking about are things like TV and reading materials. If you get engrossed in a book, magazine, or a TV show, it's very easy to lose track of how much food you have consumed.
  6. Use a smaller plate
    For nearly a year now, I've been using a small plate. In the past I had a huge dinner plate that I would fill up and then go back for seconds and thirds! Now I use a small plate that I still feel to overflowing, but I don't go back for seconds.
  7. "Pay" for your transgressions!
    By this I mean, if you overdo it at some meal, tell yourself later that you either won't eat at the next meal (since you had enough for 2 meals!) or at least not as much. Doing this also helps with the guilt you will feel for "falling off the wagon"; you tell yourself, "all is okay. I've got enough in my system to allow me to skip the next meal so no harm done!"
  8. Exercise.
    Some people exercise so they can eat more. I don't look at it that way. I see exercise as serving 2 purposes:
    1. It allows you to lose weight faster since you're burning more calories by exercising than being sedentary.
    2. It's good for your health!
  9. Serve others and put others first!
    • By jumping up and grabbing refills or 2nds for somebody else, you'll increase the time it takes you to eat your meal. Everybody else will tend to be finished before you. As a result, you won't feel like sitting there stuffing your face while everybody watches you. Instead, you'll tend to cut yourself short in order to catch up with the rest.
    • Hopefully by serving others, you'll run out of the fattening foods! Face it, everybody wants the fatty, salty, unhealthy stuff. The carrot slices are never the first to run out!
  10. Do Document your struggles and thoughts....
    By keeping a diary you can go back and read about your struggles and how you got over them. You'll be amazed at what you thought were real struggles but now are not a big deal at all. You'll be shocked at how much food had control of you as you read about your early thoughts.
    Please read mine at
  11. ...But Don't document your food intake!
    That's right, I said "Don't"! I know people who would spend a lot of time weighing their food, looking at the food labels, tallying all calories consumed, etc. This is a lot of work! It is very laborious! What ultimately happens is you get weary of all this work and you soon abandon it and fall back to your old ways.
  12. Don't change what you eat. Do change how much you eat!
    Now, you need to exercise some common sense here. If your diet consists solely of donuts and french fries, then of course you need to change what you eat! The point that I'm trying to make is that many diets consist of partaking of foods in frequent quantities that you used to consume very rarely. That is, these diets are somewhat "foreign" to your body. You WON'T stick to a grapefruit diet, a low-carb diet, or any other diet that has food choices vastly different from what you historically eat.
  13. Have a strategy when heading to a big food event!
    Over the last year or so, I could not tell you how many times I had gone out of town to see family or on a business trip only to find myself "falling off the wagon" and taking weeks to get back on the wagon when I get back home!
  14. Avoid butter/margarine and sweets.
    In the Parker household we usually have pancakes on Sunday mornings. In the past, I used to put a hefty slab of butter and drench them with a ton of syrup. Now I never put butter on them and I put very little syrup on them. What I do though is put a ton of cut up strawberries and bananas on them. The fruit gives the pancakes the sweetness that I want and therefore don't need much syrup.
    If you're like me, I have a "sweet tooth". I have to have some kind of sweetness or dessert after a meal. Instead of satisfying my craving with a big slab of German Chocolate cake, I usually grab a couple of shortbread cookies or a biscotti. If you don't know what a biscotti is, here's what they look like and what the ingredients are: Biscotti Recipe. Note: we don't make our biscottis; we buy them. You can buy a large container of individually wrapped biscottis at Sam's. They don't have many calories and I like the fact that they are individually wrapped - this allows me to exercise portion control.
  15. Never eat cereal for breakfast!
    There are a couple of problems that I always have with cereal:
    1. I can never have just one bowl!....or 2, or 3, or 4...!
    2. No matter how much cereal I eat I am ravenous by 10am! I'm not a dietitian and I don't know why that is. I guess it has something to do with carbs.
    I find it amazing that just half a bagel with cream cheese, a banana, a small glass of OJ will stretch me to lunch.
  16. Psst!...It's okay to skip breakfast!
    (i.e. Don't eat if you're not that hungry!) This is related to #6 above. I found that if I ate too much for dinner the night before that I'm really not all that hungry for breakfast. Just because we're told that breakfast is "the most important meal of the day", doesn't mean that you should eat if you're not hungry for it! It's okay to skip....just don't tell your Momma!
  17. Give yourself a pep talk before taking your first bite.
    When I sit to the dinner table I fill my small plate up with food and then I intently look at the food on the plate and tell myself, "Look at all this food! Robert, your body does not need more than this. This is going to be so good! Praise God for the pleasures of taste and smells of good food! Thank you Lord for providing this food and thank you Lord that I'm not sick and have an appetite to enjoy it!"
  18. It may be okay to snack between meals.
    I don't stick to a firm rule of "no snacking between meals!" Instead, before I raid the pantry to get some food I ask myself, "Robert, why are you grabbing something to eat? Are you really hungry? Or are you wanting food for some other reason such as stress or anxiety reliever?" If I'm wanting food for the wrong reason, I reprimand myself and don't partake. If I am hungry, I tell myself that it's okay to eat but I need to eat healthy such as by grabbing a handful of raisins, or some raw almonds, or an apple, etc.
  19. Remind yourself where you've come from!
    As you loose weight, you'll be encouraged to continue your progress when you:
    • look at pictures of yourself when you were heavier
    • look at the worn holes on your belt that you used in the past
    • After climbing a flight of stairs pause and think, "Wow! That was easy! It used to make me out of breath!"
  20. No going back! This is a lifelong commitment!
    Don't look at your diet as a temporary period of time where you must suffer, after which you'll then be able to go back to your old, unhealthy ways. Tell yourself that this is a "new you"! You are getting older and your God-given body will not endure long if you abuse it by eating too much and making poor food choices.
  21. Brush your teeth!
    By brushing your teeth after every meal you'll reduce the temptations to snack between meals. I could not tell you how many times I've been able to turn down the offer of goodies and snacks that people bring in to work because I had just recently brushed my teeth and did not want to go through the trouble of having to brush them again just because I ate a couple of cookies!
  22. Get a job!
    Now if you are a stay-home-Mom, this may not be an option for you. I've noticed when I take a day off from work and stay home so I can get some things done at the house, I totally lose it! All day long I find myself drawn to the pantry to grab a couple of cookies here and there; I'll take "just a couple" of chips now and then. I think you understand! By the end of the day I feel guilty for both eating too much and for making bad food choices.
  23. Put a scale by your shower
    You need to have frequent feedback regarding your weight. By having a scale next to your shower you'll be more likely to step on it to check your weight. There will definitely be times after nights of excess that you won't want to step on it. In that case, the scale could be a source of conviction for you to cause you to make corrections in your eating habits.
  24. Drink caffeinated drinks!
    Now, you need to do everything in moderation. But I found in my own life that when I have my morning coffee, I am WAY more active physically. After several cups of morning coffee, I dart to and fro around the building at work. This physical activity is burning calories!.
Robert Parker

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thoughts on Dieting

(Written from 8/23/09 to 5/5/10)

"Food is given to you so that you might eat it in such a way it will be plain that food is not your treasure; Christ is." - John Piper
In this short article I hope to admonish Christians to get free from the power that food has over them. You may find this article offensive. But it is how I believe by what I read in scripture. Please understand that in this article, I am also admonishing myself for I too am overweight and guilty of the sin of gluttony.
According to the CDC, most Americans, including me, are overweight. I have confessed of my sin of gluttony and will now by God's grace, be obedient and cease from this sin.

I started working on this article in August, 2009 when I also started watching my food intake. As the weeks and months went by, I would jot down my thoughts as they came to me whether it was during my Bible reading time, during meditations, during my daily 3 mile walk, while eating, or just out of the blue. This article is a compilation of those thoughts that empowered me to stay on the course of losing weight.

It's my hope and prayer that what you read here will help you to get back to a healthy weight.

"For I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole purpose of God." - Acts 20:27

In decades of attending various churches in various states, I have heard many sermons of the sins of immorality, drunkenness, gossiping, lying, slandering, etc. But I have never once heard a preacher admonishing the congregation to abstain from gluttony! This should not be, my brethren!

Preachers need to be prayed for that they would be faithful and preach the whole council of God. I would be fearful too if I were in the preacher's shoes!....the sins of jealousy, immorality, lying, etc. are hidden sins that you can hide while you're in church. But to sit in the congregation while obese and to hear a sermon on the sin of gluttony would be very embarrassing and offensive! For you cannot hide that's obvious to all. If the preacher gave such a sermon, there's a good chance many people would not show up any more!

I belong to a Baptist church. Over the years one of the faults of many (if not most) Baptists is that instead of hanging our head in shame with our over-indulgence of food is that we actually take pride in it! This should not be that way, my brethren! Several years ago I was out of town and went to a Baptist church one Sunday which happened to be a Sunday where they were going to have a lunch fellowship after the morning service. The preacher (a heavy-set man) was all excited and mentioned, as he pulled his suit jacket back and proudly showing off his large belly, how he was going to eat the entire bowl of Mrs. Wilson's banana pudding. He and the congregation laughed. I remember looking around at everybody laughing and thinking, "this is not right!".

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
" - 2 Corinthians 5:17

I am concerned about our testimony to the world. We've all heard testimonies how Christ delivered someone from alcoholism, drug addiction, or adulterous affairs. Can't Christ deliver someone from the power that food has over them? Won't our obesity be a stumbling block to those we give the gospel to? If we can't show the world that Christ can deliver us from gluttony, why would the world believe us that Christ can deliver them from eternal torment?

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body." - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

When we Independent Fundamental Baptists (IFB) see someone with tattoos or with strange nose, tongue or lip piercings we look down on them and with our self-righteous attitude think, "How dare they abuse the body they were given by God by drawing all over it and poking it full of holes!". Yet, it's ironic that overeating and unhealthy eating does more damage to our God-given bodies than 50 piercings or covering every square inch of our skin with tattoos! I am not condoning tattoos but if you are overweight, you have no right to condemn somebody because of their tattoos or piercings. This reminds me of the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:4, "How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?"

"No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it." - 1 Corinthians 10:13

"You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin;" - Hebrews 12:4

We give in too easy to temptations to overindulge. For that matter, we don't put up much of a fight. In fact, we don't fight at all; we welcome it with open arms!

"Do not be with heavy drinkers of wine. Or with gluttonous eaters of meat" - Proverbs 23:20

We Fundamental Baptists are quick to mention the evils of alcohol but we ignore the sin of gluttony.
Note that this verse says "heavy drinkers" and not "any drinkers". I know many Baptists who would not want to associate with ANY drinkers of wine. This verse says that we are to not associate with those that have lives in excess whether that is in food or alcohol. Wow! What conviction! We Fundamental Baptists are pros at exercising the first part of this verse but we ignore the second part! What if we exercised the 2nd part the next time we had a church lunch fellowship? We'd probably all be sitting at tables by ourselves! Could it be that one reason we're pros at the first part of this verse is it soothes our conscience because we are such huge failures at the second part?

"For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry." - 1 Peter 4:3 (NIV)
I noticed today when I was tempted to snack on junk food between meals, this verse popped in my head. I have spent enough time in my past on overeating and eating things that are not good for me.

"Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall." - 1 Corinthians 10:12

Today I'm down to 195.5. This is the lowest I've been in at least 10 years. I still have a way to go. I felt proud and felt that one day this week I'm going to treat myself to a large amount of food as a reward. As soon as I thought that, thoughts came to me that it is never right to loose control and fulfill the lusts of the flesh like this. It is not right to put in X number of days of being nice to people and then reward myself one day by beating somebody up!

I must not boast of "my" accomplishments. I must be diligent and stay focused on controlling what kinds of food and how much of it I put into my mouth. If I lose focus or "take a break" from my dieting, I could quickly fall back into bad habits that could take me many months to recover from (if ever).

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." - Philippians 4:6

On several occasions this week I've felt stressed and anxious. At the height of my stress and anxiety, I was tempted to seek relief by stuffing my face with food. On one such occasion, right as I opened the pantry door to grab a handful of cookies, I remembered 1 Peter 5:7, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." I immediately shut the pantry door. I was convicted because I was attempting to go to food for comfort instead of God.

"After he said this, he took some bread and gave thanks to God in front of them all. Then he broke it and began to eat." - Acts 27:35

Today was a good day on my diet. I had a small breakfast, a small lunch with no snacking between meals. By supper time I was really hungry! As I sat down for supper, I had a great flood of thankfullness to God flood my heart. I prayed to myself, "Thank you God so much for this food! Oh how we take it for granted! Forgive me for my ungratefullness!"

As I sat there enjoying the lovely meal which my dear wife prepared, I reflected on the fact that we Americans really don't understand hunger. Nor are we very grateful for our food. We thank God for our food during our meal-time prayers but we've been thanking Him like this for such a long time that it really just rolls off our tongue without it really coming from the depths of our hearts. Thanking God this way is very mechanical. In America whenever we have a miniscule touch of hunger, we are immediately able to stomp it out by grabbing food that's easily available.

This prayer of thankfulness for my food tonight was a prayer that come up out of the depths of my heart. It was such a refreshing prayer!

"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap." - Galatians 6:7

There is in life the principle of sowing and reaping; we reap what we sow. We may be tempted to think that this principle is not true because usually there is a vast period of time between sowing and reaping. So we therefore think that the two events are not related but they are. I see this especially true in how we treat out bodies by the way we eat. We may spend several decades of overeating and making poor food choices but there will come a time where we must reap at least one of the following consequences of this lifestyle:

  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Back pain
  • Joint pain
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Fatty Liver Disease
  • Circulatory problems
  • Stroke
  • Hernias
  • Skin disease

"He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much." - Luke 16:10

Most of us Christians think that we are just oh-so-faithful. We think that if a band of terrorists stormed our church during a service and demanded us to renouce Christ or die, that we'd just have to die. Oh, really? By looking at this little things that we do in life, we can get an idea of how faithful we'd be in the big things.

We think that we are the type of Christian that puts others before self. We think that we are not enslaved to anything. Oh, really? When we are at a church lunch fellowship, look at how we always strive to get to the dessert line before everybody else does! We quickly finish our plates so we can get back in line for seconds before they run out. Why act like this? What's wrong if dessert runs out before you get some? What's wrong if others are able to get seconds but you don't?

"seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence." - 2 Peter 1:3

I've heard Christians say things like, "No matter what I do, I just can't lose weight!". Such Christians don't know their Bible. Christ has freed us from having to suffer eternally for our sins. But as this verse states, He has also given us the power to live lives of godliness and this includes freedom from the enslaving power that food can have over us.

"Do not let your heart envy sinners,But live in the fear of the LORD always." - Proverbs 23:17

I don't think any of you, if you were to see someone snorting cocaine, would think, "Wow, I so wish I could do that!" Yet, if we were to see a skinny person eating enough food for a family of 4, those kinds of thoughts immediately come up out of the depth of our heart.

"God is opposed to the proud, but give grace to the humble." - James 4:6

You say, "I just can't lose weight!" Is there some area in your life that you are not submitting to God in? Are you giving yourself a pity party due to the situation in life that God has placed you in now? If so, God is not going to give you the grace to overcome your weight problem. You need to confess of your sin and submit yourself under the mighty hand of God and He'll give you the grace to overcome.

"All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be enslaved by anything." - 1 Cor. 6:12 (ESV)

When we think of things that we are not to be enslaved to, we limit to such sins as alcohol, drugs and pornography. This is a very narrow view. We should not be enslaved to food as well. We should not let food have such a control over us that it affects our health.

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ" - Eph. 1:3

He HAS blessed us with EVERY spiritual blessing. So we don't have to wait for God to give us some special power to overcome our desire to damage our God-given bodies by overeating. Nor do we need the aid of secular programs to help us overcome what is really a spiritual issue. Do you believe it's a spiritual issue? If you don't, chances are that you won't have lasting freedom from being overweight.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace , patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" - Gal. 5:22-23

Obesity indicates a lack of self-control. Not having self-control is a sign that you're not being led by the Spirit but by the flesh.

This reminds me of a story a good friend of mine told me. My friend's church was looking for a new pastor. They had several candidates come preach over a period of several Sundays. My friend was on the nomination committee. He vividly remembers several of the Godly women of the church coming up to him and mentioning that they felt candidate "X" should not be in the running. My friend was surprised at this because he thought Mr. "X" preached very well. My friend asked these women why. These women said that with this man being quite obese, they were concerned that this is evidence that he is not being very submitted to the Holy Spirit. They thought this was a red flag and thought it not wise to have such a person lead the church. May that not be said of us men!

"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves" - Phil. 2:3

When we think of considering others more important than ourselves, we tend to think of short-term actions like: letting someone else get in front of you while waiting in line, or letting someone else have the last cookie, or deferring to someone else when asked what would you like to watch on TV or where would you like to go out to eat at, etc.

But it's MUCH, MUCH more honorable to consider others when it comes to very long term actions.

If we live a life of abusing out bodies by overeating, we stand to cause our friends and loved ones to have to care for us earlier rather than later due to an earlier onset of health deterioration. We should strive to live to the best of our abilities to stave off early health deterioration. If we choose to live a life of unhealthiness, we are in affect telling our children, "I want to please myself now.....I don't care about the consequences and what this may mean for you!"

Of course there is absolutely no guarantee that eating healthy, maintaining a healthy weight will lead to a long life. However, we must do what is right which is putting others first both in short-term actions as well as long-term actions.